NewCreatioNZ is a lovely little Etsy shop wish sell beautiful photos, bookmarks and painting among other things. The thing I liked best however is the painting of an ocean shoreline. The painting is made using acrylics and Paua shells on canvas board and is devided in three parts. The painter has really captured the feeling and magic of a real shoreline.
I would love to have a painting like this on my wall.
You can find NewCreatioNZ here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/NewCreatioNZ
And the painting is here: http://www.etsy.com/listing/52110889/sea-shore-acrylic-mixed-media-paintings
NewCreatioNZ är en fantastisk liten Etsy shop som säljer vackra fotografier, bokmärken och målingar bland annat. Den sak som jag tycker bäst om är en tavla föreställande en strandlinje. Målningen är gjord i acryl på duk och dekorerad med pauasnäckor som glänser av pärlemor. Tavlan är också delad i tre så att man kan hänga alla tre bredvid varandra eller på olika ställen i huset.
Konstnären har verkligen fångat känslan och magin av en riktig strandlinje.
Jag skulle älska att ha en sådan här tavla på väggen.
Du kan hitta NewCreatioNZ här: http://www.etsy.com/shop/NewCreatioNZ
Och tavlan finns här: http://www.etsy.com/listing/52110889/sea-shore-acrylic-mixed-media-paintings
truly a lovely shop with totally creative things!
SvaraRaderaI'm already a big fan of NewCreatioNZ!
SvaraRaderaVery creative painting, thanks for sharing.
That really is a creative painting. I would put that in a beach home. If I had one! Someday!
SvaraRaderaIt´s a lovely shop!!! Thanks for sharing
SvaraRaderaGreat post!!
SvaraRaderaYou've featured my FAVORITE piece of theirs! I just love the way that the piece above flows and reminds me of a cool afternoon walk on the beach.
SvaraRaderaI love NewCreationz too! Her photography blows me away!
SvaraRaderaI love NewCreationZ's shop!
SvaraRaderaLove her shop!
SvaraRaderaVery cool! I've never been on a blog featured in two languages! Love it!
SvaraRaderaCarol from Carol's Jewelry Orchard
breathtaking shade of blue! Great job!
SvaraRaderathat is my favorite item in her shop! Love that painting!!!!
SvaraRaderaThank you for all your comments. I'm not very surprised that most of you seem to know about NewCreatioNZ already but hopefully someone who don't will see this get interested.
SvaraRaderaI'm glad you like it, Carol. Since swedish is my native language I decided to write everything in both swedish and english. Though it's a bit boring to have to write everything twice. :p
I always enjoy looking at your wonderful paintings in your shop!
SvaraRaderaWonderful shop! Great post.
SvaraRaderaA great feature of New Creationz
SvaraRaderaLovely feature, New Creationz has a wonderful shop!
SvaraRaderaGreat feature, wonderful shop !
SvaraRaderaNice feature :)