Hello, everyone!
I hope you are all well. My cold is still holding on but I feel a bit better at least. I posted a new notebook on Etsy today. It has a wave of blue glass beads on the front and I'm very happy with how it turned out. you can find it here: http://www.etsy.com/listing/69672359/blue-wave-notebook
Maybe you wonder over the title of this post and that is what I'm coming to now. My grandfather is very suportive of my bookbinding. Almost too suportive but I could never ask him to stop coming w
ith ideas, build me machines, buy me tools and borrow and read every book on the subject he can get his hands on at the library. You could say he has an ON/OFF-switch, and curently it is ON.
Anyway! He came up with the idea of hiring a shop window and then set out on the task of finding a shopowner who would like to let me use part of his or her window. After talking with what seemed like almost every shopowner in his hometown and comparing prizes he called me back a couple of days ago. Lo and behold! He had found a shopowner who was willing to not hire me the window but to lend me 1/3 of his window for free. And not only that but he thought that one month was a bit too short and suggested two months instead. Still for free. The shopowner explained that he was of the opinion that I didn't need to pay because if people stoped and looked at my things in his window they would atomaticly look at his things too so he would gain from it anyway.
Of course I am very exited about this. The shop in question is not in my hometown but in Mönsterås, the town were my grandparetns live and my mom grew up. It is a small but very cosy little town whish was quite important for the shipping industry back in the days. The window I will use is quite big and in the middle of the main road.
I will be able to have my books in 1/3 of the window. The rest will probably be used by two other people at the same time. I'm not sure what the others do but I think one of them weaves tapestries and the other paint ceramics. My space is about 1 m x 60 cm x 3 m and I will be able to hang things from the ceiling.
When we visited my grandparents last weekend I took a photo of the windo
w so I would now what I have to work with. You can see the picture here on the right. The people outside is my grandfather and my little sister.

So by this I now turn to you, dear friends. Do you have any suggestions for me? Have any of you displayed your crafts in a shopwindow? How did it go? Are there anything I should make sure not to do? Anything you can tell me is great, and if you have nothing to tell me I'm still very happy that you stoped by.
I hope you all have a great day and that spring is on it's way wherever you are. I'm so happy that the sun is shining and nearly all the snow is gone here. :)
Great post. Sorry to say that I haven´t any experience about that.
SvaraRaderaLove the new notebook
Brilliant idea to share a shop window, but I haven't got any experience.
SvaraRaderaLbtoyos: It doesn't matter. I'm sure it will work out great anyway. I was mostly curious to see if anyone else had tried it. And I'm glad you like the new book. :)
SvaraRaderaJill Q: Yes, sometimes my grandfather has great ideas. :)
Wonderful idea to share a shop window...I don't have a real brick and mortar store....so it's a little out of my element....but the information was useful.
SvaraRaderaNice to have a shop window, not a clue have never had one. ask your friends and family to pass by and give you some feedback. good luck
SvaraRaderaLady Dylana: That's a good idea. I guess they will tell me what they think weather I want them to or not. :p
SvaraRaderaWow, that is wonderful! Good luck!
SvaraRaderaOne idea is to use some shelving covered with fabric to use vertical space and add silk flowers. I'm not very good with displays, but it's an idea.
SvaraRaderaNeat idea...I hope it turns out well for you!
SvaraRaderaHogan: Thank you! :)
SvaraRaderaLinda B: Yes, I also thought I should use some kind of shelves so not everything is just standing on the floor.
Crimson: Thank you. I hope so too. :)
I wouldn't even know how to begin to help you with a window set up. I would just suggest lots of color and build your display up, up, up to atleast eye level if you can!!
SvaraRaderaCongratulations and YEAH to that very supportive Grandfather!!!!
What a clever idea. I'll bet it works for both parties. Best of luck.
SvaraRaderawow, that's great! Hope you get lots of attention!
SvaraRaderaBounty: Thank you. I think building is a good idea. And colours sounds good too. That would probably attract more attention. Yes, he is an amazing man though other people usually have a hard time seeing that. I love him very much. :)
SvaraRaderaCalliope: Thank you. :)
Crystal: Thank you. I hope so too. :)
I have never had a shop window, so I am no expert. I think that shelves would be good so you can use the vertical space. You might have one of them open so people can see what they look like inside.
SvaraRaderaAnother thing to do, maybe front and center on the bottom level, is have a little staged area that would have the things you would have at home with your journal - maybe a portable writing desk with pen and glasses. A small lamp might be nice if there is room. Good luck!!!
No suggestions, other than to use the opportunity well! Realize it was generous of the shop owner and be appreciative it of that generosity!
SvaraRaderaYou are sooooo fortunate to have a very supportive grandparent!
Good Luck. I hope both you and the shop owner get some sales from it!
Carol from Carol's Jewelry Orchard
I love your new book and you did a great job on the photos!
SvaraRaderaYour grandpa sounds awesome! I love that he wants to help you and is so supportive. :)
I do not have experience displaying in windows, but I am a good window shopper. And I've done home jewelry shop presentations. My thoughts on presentation:
Have some type of cohesive presentation for your books, ie props that show them off well.
Make sure there is good lighting in the window, and if not, see about adding a lamp of some sort.
Include business cards at the store for customers to contact you if need be.
Good luck!
Great idea! Grandfathers are great aren't they.
SvaraRaderaJust create great lighting!! And colors or props that will pop and draw attention! GOOD LUCK.
SvaraRaderaWhat a sweety of a Granddad. That was so lovely of him to do that for you. I know he will be so proud to see your work displayed in a window. What a lovely story.
SvaraRaderaWow, great to have such a supportive grandfather! Good luck.
SvaraRaderaWow, that's pretty amazing! I don't have this experience so I can't give you much advice. Good luck with your endeavor though!
SvaraRaderaI was offered a store front space ones but did not take it for several personal reasons but I think it is a good idea to display/advertise your product.
SvaraRaderalove the book! Congrats on this opportunity! you must be thrilled and I am thrilled for you!
SvaraRaderaI may have to try out the shop window idea myself, thank you so much for the tip! I hope it works out well for you!
Glitterbird: That sounds like a good idea. Thank you!
SvaraRaderajlcjbuzz: Thank you! Yes, I am so grateful to both the shopowner and my grandfather.
Leah R: Thank you! I'm glad you like it and I will make sure to think about your tips. And yes, my grandfather is really awesome. :)
Michelle: Indeed they are. :)
galla15: Thank you! I will remember that.
Divine: Yes, I love him so much. And I hope he will be proud (or rather even more proud than he already is).
Sewinggranny: Yes, it is amazing. And thank you!
hermine: Thank you! :)
Inessa: I see. Yes, if I do it in the right way I think it will be very good.
teener: Thank you! I'm glad you like it. Yes, I am very thrilled. :) You're welcome, though it wasn't my idea to begin with. :p Good luck to you too.
that is a super idea, I've never displayed my items in a window, but may try some day!
SvaraRaderaKristi: Thank you! Yes, try it you too. And good luck if you do. :)